The EnergyEfficiency4HORECA Project aims at increasing the uptake of energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy within the HORECA value chain (hotels, restaurants, catering) that is one of the energy intensive sectors. The project’s activities include capacity building by workshops, webinars and a knowledge platform on energy efficiency as well as assistance by energy experts accompanying companies on their way to energy efficiency improvement.

The project starts with a scoping study for better understanding the HORECA value chain in terms of interaction of the different actors and service providers and the energy saving opportunities of each part of the value chain. This is the precondition for enhancing the skills of energy technicians and other important staff members within the HORECA companies and their service providers as well as to improve their know-how to access public incentives and private finance. The HORECA sector accounts for 8% of the worldwide energy usage and is thus one of the energy intensive sectors. While larger companies within the sector have already started implementing efficient energy measures and launching social and sustainability campaigns targeting staff and clients, SMEs require support on their sustainability path and competitive future.