
The EnergyEfficiency4SMEs project aims at enhancing the skills of energy technicians within a company as well as to improve their know-how to access public incentives and private finance. SMEs are the backbone of the EU economy and carry out business in some of the most energy intensive sectors. While energy audits prove to be tackling the problem in larger companies, SMEs require a lot of handholding in the implementation of the recommendations of energy audits.


Over 3 years, the project aims to build capacity within SMEs on energy efficiency measures through a series of webinars, self-assessment tools, access to finance, etc. The project will focus on the sectors of Accommodation and Food services, Agri-food and Metalwork.
Within the projects different activities are planned, starting with a scoping study to identify effective energy efficiency measures according to the different sectors targeted by the project. These measures will be used as guideline for the selection of companies to be audited and for the capacity building of companies including the possibility of a self-assessment for companies that will be offered on the energy efficiency knowledge platform.
Not only is the project assisting companies regarding the technical aspect of implementing energy efficiency measures, but it is also providing support to find adequate funding opportunities in each country. For this purpose, a financial section on the knowledge platform is offering a tool to find customized funding opportunities fitting to the energy efficiency projects of companies.